La Durezza Dell'Acqua

Messaggi: 11366
Iscritto il: 19 luglio 2013, 17:55

La Durezza Dell'Acqua

Messaggio da leggere da Pere153 »


Various minerals can be found in water. Two of them—calcium and magnesium—play a major role in water hardness and also in dough-making. The type and amount of these minerals varies with the locale.

Medium-hard water—that is, water with 50 to 100 ppm (parts per million) of carbonates—is the best for baking. It contains the right amount of mineral salts—mostly of calcium and magnesium—which strengthen gluten and also, to some extent, serve as yeast nutrients.

Soft water (less than 50 ppm carbonates) has a shortage of those salts, which tends to result in a soft, sticky dough because there’s less gluten-tightening effect from minerals. To counteract stickiness, reduce the water portion by about 2 percent. It can also help to increase the salt portion up to 2.5 percent of flour weight. On the baked pizza, the soft water tends to produce a crust texture and color that’s less than optimum.

Hard water (over 100 ppm carbonates) has too much of the salts. This toughens gluten excessively, which retards the fermentation or rise of dough. To coun­teract that, increase the yeast level and, if it’s used, adjust the amount of yeast food. Also, adding malt or malted flour might help.

PH is important in dough-making because it affects chemical and biological reactions. Most notably, it affects the rate of amylase enzyme performance (conver­sion of starch to sugar) and, as a result, the rate of fermentation. The optimum pH for starch conversion and fermentation and, hence, for pizza dough, is about five, or slightly acidic. This pH level is best achieved by using water with pH6.5 to 8.0, with pH7.0 being the opti­mum.

Acque molto Dolci: < 7 gradi francesi
Acque Dolci: da 7 a 14
Acque Poco Dure: da 15 a 22
Acque Mediamente Dure: da 23 a 32
Acque Dure: da 33 a 54
Acque Molto Dure: > 54.


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Forno: EffeUno P134H Bypass
Farina: Caputo Gialla - Caputo Pizzeria – Caputo Rossa
Impastatrice: Forcella Santos 18
Messaggi: 11366
Iscritto il: 19 luglio 2013, 17:55

Re: La Durezza Dell'Acqua

Messaggio da leggere da Pere153 »

Conoscete marche di acqua minerale di media durezza , cioè tra 20-25 ºf?

La Evian ha una durezza di 30 ºf
Forno: EffeUno P134H Bypass
Farina: Caputo Gialla - Caputo Pizzeria – Caputo Rossa
Impastatrice: Forcella Santos 18

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